Diagnostics & Treatments

Diagnostics & Treatments

At 101 Medical Spa, we offer a range of diagnostics and treatments using the most modern state-of-the-art technology and blending them with traditional forms of therapies. All services are performed by health professionals.

Detox. Energize. Live.

Unlock your full potential of mental and physical performance. Achieve a high-performing, strong, healthy, and well-balanced life.


Maintain your health & improve your performance

We do not treat disease. Instead, we promote wellness with preventative and health-promoting actions. We act in a proactive way and not just from the repair point of view. We have a holistic vision of the body and thus we adopt a multidisciplinary approach to our method of work.


Light Spa | Alpha™ Led Oxy­light Spa™ Capsule

A novelty in the world of wellness technologies – a Light Spa – Alpha LED Oxy­Light Spa ™ individual capsule. This therapy is rejuvenating and highly relaxing, helps relieve pain, detoxifies the body, relieves stress, eliminates cellulite, improves sleep quality, and reenergises the body.


Energy Bed | SEQEX Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Treatments

Seqex treatments use subtle “energy medicine” to accommodate health and wellness. Seqex technology is an evolution in health care, the  Ion Resonance Therapy helps improve microcirculation, reduce inflammation and induce a muscle relaxation effect. We offer personalized programs with Seqex Health Canada licensed medical device to address your specific body needs.

Body Composition Analysis

Not all Pounds are Equal | InBody BIA Technology

InBody uses the latest patented and cutting-edge technology to provide you with the most accurate results. Receive a personalized report that informs you of your overall health including body fat percentage, amount of lean muscle tissue, visceral fat and more.

Massage Therapy

Lipomassage | LPG Endermologie Treatment

LPG Endermologie is excellent for the face and body! This body massage combines deep tissue massage with suction to restore the normal, healthy appearance of the thighs, buttocks, torso, and other parts of the body affected by cellulite. It reduces fine lines and minimises wrinkles, making your skin youthful and glowing, so it has a huge anti-aging effect.


Reduce Toxin Burden | Boost your natural detoxification process

A metabolic detox plan helps the body address and remove toxins. The human body is exposed to both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (environmental) toxins every day. In some cases, the body does not efficiently eliminate toxins, and they can accumulate in organs and tissues, disrupting normal cellular function and increasing the risk for disease. Utilizing metabolic detoxification programs to support the body’s detoxification systems and reduce toxic body burden is critical to overall health and longevity.


treatment of the muscoloskeletal framework

Osteopathy is an alternative medicine that emphasizes physically manipulating muscle tissue and bones. Our Osteopath focuses on the treatment of the musculoskeletal framework of the patient. Working collaboratively with our other specialists to offer integrated and holistic care to the patient.


Blending Modern, Traditional & Natural Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, manual techniques (spinal and joints manipulation, joint mobilization, muscle release therapy, massage), life style counselling and health promotion and disease prevention.


Reinforce healthy brain function with real-time feedback

Neurofeedback is non-drug therapy to treat different conditions from ADHD to depression and anxiety. Neurofeedback uses real time data (like EEG waves data) to teach how to regulate brainwaves patterns. The treatment relies on two concepts. The first is operant conditioning – the idea that consequences can change behaviour. The second one is neural plasticity – the ability of our brain to change itself to be more adaptive for life demands.

Mind Machine

Calm & stress-free mind & body

Mind Machine is a device designed to help promote relaxation through the use of light and sound stimulation. A system consists of a light and sound unit, headphones, and stimulation glasses. If you are searching for relaxation, calmness, and clarity in a hectic life, or you are interested in self-improvement then a Mind Machine is for you.

Interested in multiple services?

At 101 Medical Spa, we offer programs that integrate multiple diagnostics and treatments that are inter-woven for a seamless holistic approach to promote better health and lifestyle.

With programs, you will also get access to complementary services at discounted costs.